Welcome to the tutorial guide of SAInt. The tutorial gives step-by-step directions on how to design case studies to address the industry’s challenges. These tutorials help the user answer questions like: How do you choose the best path forward when integrating renewable generation and storage technologies? What is the most efficient, effective, and economic path to decarbonization? What are the costs and potential value of electrolytic hydrogen generated by renewable electricity? Etc. The tutorial guide covers electric, energy, and fluid topics. Each tutorial is composed of several steps. How-to can be useful when going through a tutorial.
The tutorial guide does not require internet access. The required data are available in the sub-folders of the folder Tutorials
within SAInt’s installation directory, generally, in C:\Users\...\Documents\encoord\SAInt-v3\Projects
. However, the documentation is dynamic and continuously updated. When opening the documentation, if an internet connection is available, a message will inform the user that there are changes that can be downloaded.
Work on copies of the original data to avoid loosing them. |
List of typographical conventions used in SAInt’s documents:
A function used in the command line or an IronPython script is formatted as
. -
Properties of SAInt’s objects or classes of any model is indicated as
. -
An action performed using the keyboard is → Ctrl+F.
An action performed using buttons in SAInt’s graphical user interface is formatted as Add New Row.
A list of actions performed using buttons in SAInt’s graphical user interface is formatted as
. -
For any gas related material the style used is → GDEM.
For any electric related material the style used is → WIND.
For any thermal related material the style used is → HSUP.
For any hub related material the style used is → HSUP.
The abbreviations have a hover text as shown here → SAInt.