Model Electricity Storage, Solar, and Wind Production in a Production Cost Model

Welcome to the third electricity markets tutorial. This tutorial is aimed to provide users an introductory knowledge of how to model storage, solar, and wind objects in SAInt for a production cost model (DCUCOPF scenario type). In addition, the use of external data providers to retrieve weather resource data is explained. The network contains four nodes, four lines, six generators, one demand and two storage objects. The scenario has a time window of 1 week of 7 consecutive optimizations.

In order to follow this tutorial, it is recommended to have completed the previous tutorials since the tutorial assumes that the user has already acquired some basic knowledge of how to interact with SAInt.

Time to complete:

The files required for this tutorial are available in the sub-folder .\Energy Markets\Tutorial 3 of the folder Tutorials. Download the tutorials data from the "Model Ready Datasets" category of the community Forum.