High Voltage and Medium Voltage ACPF Simulation

Welcome to the first intermediate-level tutorial on AC power flow. In this tutorial, you will develop a steady state and a quasi-dynamic AC power flow scenarios on a 13-node network. This tutorial will assist you in creating a medium-sized electric network in the GUI, and showcase how to control the simulation with the help of events.

If you don’t feel comfortable with some of the steps presented in this intermediate series, we have you covered. Check the beginner tutorial series, explore the reference guide of SAInt, or go to the How-to guides. But if you don’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to contact SAInt support at support@encoord.com!

This series starts by setting up the network in SAInt and solving a simple steady-state AC power flow. The second part of it, the quasi-dynamic simulation, covers the basics of events and profiles. The tutorial will also illustrate various methods to analyze the results.

Time to complete:

The files required for this tutorial are available in the sub-folder .\Electricity Networks\Intermediate Tutorial 1 of the folder Tutorials. Download the tutorials data from the "Model Ready Datasets" category of the community Forum.