How-to Guides
Welcome to the how-to guide of SAInt. The how-to gives step-by-step directions to perform a precise task. They address specific questions and problems and are not information based, since it is assumed that the user has some knowledge and understanding of the software. The how-to guide covers general, energy, electric, fluid (gas, etc.), and combined tasks. Each how-to may suggest links to similar how-to.
The how-to guide does not require internet access. However, the documentation is dynamic and continuously updated. When opening the documentation, if an internet connection is available, a message will inform the user that there are changes that can be downloaded.
List of typographical conventions used in SAInt’s documents:
A function used in the command line or an IronPython script is formatted as
Properties of SAInt’s objects or classes of any model is indicated as
An action performed using the keyboard is → Ctrl+F
An action performed using buttons in SAInt’s graphical user interface is formatted as Add New Row
A list of actions performed using buttons in SAInt’s graphical user interface is formatted as
For any gas related material the style used is → GDEM
For any electric related material the style used is → WIND
For any thermal related material the style used is → HSUP
The abbreviations have a hover text as shown here → SAInt
Some electricity networks how-to guides can be used for electricity markets models (DCUCOPF). These are indicated in the electricity network how-tos by adding (O) or O in the acronym of the simulation). |