Welcome to SAInt Docs

1. What is SAInt?

The Scenario Analysis Interface for Energy Systems (SAInt) is a software platform designed to model integrated energy networks and markets. SAInt allows modeling energy markets, electricity networks, gas networks, coupled electric and gas networks, and thermal networks.

2. Components of SAInt Docs

A key component of SAInt is its continuously expanding documentation ecosystem. The user is guided in the learning process of energy systems model development with an in-depth description of SAInt functionalities and practical and concise how-to guides. Tutorials and learning more cases further support the user in realizing detailed studies and answering cutting-edge questions. SAInt documentation takes advantage of the more modern web publishing frameworks to create a dynamic and modern experience aimed to answer your modeling questions quickly and efficiently.

The documentation ecosystem of SAInt is built around four main components.

Component What’s Inside What You Get

Installation Guide

Description of how to request, install and manage SAInt

Instructions on registering, downloading and installing SAInt, activating and managing licenses, and troubleshooting common problems.

Technical Specifications

Description of SAInt and services

An overview of SAInt’s architecture, model and scenario structures, customer support and services, and software installation and management.


Description of the software components

Shows all the information there is to know about SAInt: capabilities, settings, dependencies, etc.

How-To Guides

Step-by-step instructions

Instructions on completing common tasks and solving common problems.


Learning by doing

Guides in the creation and execution of a project. Shows real examples of applications using the software.

Learn More

Discussions on particular topics

Explains and discusses particular topics. It broaden the knowledge and dives into the mathematical equations.

3. What’s New

SAInt release 3.6 introduces some important changes. Please take some time to get acquainted with such changes. You can find a summary in the table below. Some of the changes may have an impact on your models.

  • Components, Tools, Support

    • Sample projects are removed from installation of SAInt and are no longer shipped with SAInt.

  • Objects & Simulation

    • The HR0, HR1, HR2, PWF and PWFTYPE properties of hubs are made read-only and excluded from import-export.

    • ESTR objects are configured to operate with a reactive power setpoint, QSETDEF, by default. Three phase ESTR objects can regulate voltage with a VMSET event. Single-phase ESTR are explicitly prevented from regulating voltage with a VMSET event.

    • Output and neutral impedance of the PV and WIND objects has been removed.

    • PMAX EDEM constraints have been relaxed for ACPF and UACPF scenarios.

    • The current and power loading calculations of single and double phase lines from UACPF scenarios has been unified with their positive sequence representation in ACPF scenarios.

  • UX/UI & Performance

    • A confirmation pop-up is added in the GUI for executing DCUCOPF scenarios to prevent potential data loss.

    • The Community Area has been added to the ribbon bar.

  • Security & Licensing

    • Cloud containers are now fully supported by SAInt.

    • Telerik Libraries are signed for preventing redistribution.

    • Auto-update feature for CodeMeter License Containers has been extended to all types of licenses. This enables the retrieval of container updates automatically in SAInt when there is an active internet connection, without the need of updating the containers manually.

    • SAInt-Feed and SAInt-Math projects have been encrypted.

    • End User License Agreement (EULA) and Third Party Notices have been updated.

  • Other Improvements

    • The issue of FGEN StartUpCost not being considered in the objective function is resolved.

    • The issue of ASVCPrice event values not being considered is resolved.

    • The issue of default values for average upper and lower bounds for electric constraints not being considered is resolved.

    • The issue of incorrect fuel consumption values when using Default fuel consumption curves is resolved.

    • The issue of cross-threading exceptions caused by message-boxes is resolved.

    • The issue of charts and default plots being generated differently from model explorer and node bar is resolved.

    • The issue of SAInt stops being responsive when a network connection issue occur is resolved.

    • The issue of not being able to evaluate object properties using eval function in the API when there is only one object of that type is resolved.

    • The issue of not being able to delete external objects from tables is resolved.

    • The issue of not being able to delete scenario events from tables is resolved.

    • The issue of Color Legend values are being reset to SI Unit is resolved.

    • The issue of right-click in the model explorer deselecting the multi-selected nodes is resolved.

    • The issue of moving the entire network fails with an exploding effect is resolved.

    • The default data source for the PVGIS solar provider has been updated to the latest.

    • The default unit of currency is changed to USD($) and a placeholder is added to the Dropdown in the Settings form to clarify user selection.

    • The misleading value margins being added to the minimum and maximum of the Color Legend is removed.

    • The issue of being able to set scenarios outside of the allowed length (~67 years) in the Scenario Form is resolved.

    • The issue of two-digit years being set in 1900s in the Scenario Form is resolved.

    • The range of fast forward arrows in the calendar view of the Scenario Form is changed from 3 months to 1 year.

    • The import behavior of scenario events outside the time window of scenario being assigned to scenario start time has been changed to gracefully ignoring the import of these events and logging as warning.

    • The default charts for DCUCOPF/ACPF/UACPF have been updated.

    • The issue of Object Type column being missing in the table is resolved.

    • The issue of GDEM points imported from ShapeFile being wrongly split is resolved.

    • The issue of not being able to set Object Variable Name for Variables using the dropdown in the property editor is resolved.

    • The issue of not being able to change branch direction from the model explorer is resolved.

    • The issue of not being able to join nodes from the model explorer is resolved.

    • The issue of all externals being deleted when trying to delete a single external from a node on the map is resolved.

    • The remote node voltage of a TRF in UACPF scenarios is now showing the VPUAVG quantity.

    • The VMD property of an electric branch now shows the magnitude difference between the from and to ends.

    • The issue with tap changes of TRF objects leading to erroneous power calculations is resolved.

You can check the full list of changes in the release notes available on the the community Forum download page (https://forum.encoord.com/c/release) .

4. How to Search Titles and Text

To search titles and text in SAInt Docs, type the words in the top-right search box. The section titles containing any of those word are found at first, then the search is performed on the text. By default, the search only applies to the current component. Uncheck the box in this component, to enable searching on all the components. Use any of these five advanced searching techniques to customize your search:

(1) Any word will be reduced to its stem. For example, to search "objects" is the same as to search "object".

(2) To find sections whose titles contain "network", type:


(3) To perform a logical AND search, like "foo AND bar", prefix both words with +:

+foo +bar

This can also be combined with the second technique:

+title:network +gas

(4) Similarly, to exclude a word, prefix it with -:

+foo bar -baz

(5) The wildcard (*) is supported. For example, to search any word with an "oo"-ending:
