Model an Outage Period

This example is only valid for a DCUCOPF scenario.

1. Create an event to shut down the object

This example shows how to model the outages period defined in Table 1 for a fuel generator in an electric scenario.

Table 1. Outages periods for a fuel generator.
Outage Start Outage End Available Capacity [MW]

01.01.2022 02:00

01.01.2022 06:00


01.01.2022 18:00

01.01.2022 23:00


Access the context menu showing the event list related to the fuel generator and select the OFF event. Once the event is created the StartTime property of the event defines when the fuel generator will be switched off. If no ON or ONOFF event is defined after the StartTime of the OFF event, the control mode of the fuel generator is kept off for the whole simulation time window.

While executing a simulation, an infeasibility could be created if the length of an outage period is lower than the minimum uptime of the generator (MinUpTimeDef), or if the time interval between two consecutive outage periods is lower than the minimum downtime of the generator (MinDownTimeDef).

2. Create an event to start up the object

The end of the outage period is defined by either the event ON or ONOFF as shown in Figure 1. The ON event forces the generator to turn online and operate between its operational limits (PMAXDEF and PMINDEF). For a fuel generators object in DCUCOPF scenario, the ONOFF event allows the solver to decide if the generator should be turned back online.

model outages 00
Figure 1. EEVT event table with outage events for the fuel generator.

If the control mode of a generator is ON, it does not imply that the generator is generating if the PMINDEF is 0 [MW].