Thermal Objects
This section presents an in-depth description of all objects available in SAInt to develop a thermal network model. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy and the parent-child relationships between base objects. Table 1 gives a quick and short description of the base objects. The thermal network consists of two symmetrical sides, known as the hot side and the cold side. For example for a district heating network the hot side (or supply side) delivers heat from the source to the users, while the cold side (or return side) brings the working fluid back to the source. The pipes on both sides have the same characteristics and make a closed loop, resulting in the mass flow rate to be constant between both sides. Only one side is displayed in the SAInt GUI.
For example, the top-level base object in a thermal network model is the "Thermal Network" object TNET. A thermal network contains many other different base objects, such as, heat demands HDEM, cold supply CSUP, or thermal lines TPI. A thermal branch TBR is the parent, and an thermal pipeline TPI is a child. A thermal network object has no parents but only children. A thermal line object TPI cannot be a parent, but only a child. See the schematic below for a visual representation of the complete hierarchical object structure for an thermal network model in SAInt.
Icon | ObjType | Display Name | Description |
Thermal Network |
Models the characteristics and interactions of facilities and/or components of a thermal network. Serves as a container for all objects in the thermal network |
Thermal Sub |
Models a subset of nodes, branches, and thermal externals of an thermal network. A thermal sub is branch-oriented, i.e., only thermal branches can be assigned to a thermal sub, and every thermal branch belongs to only one thermal sub |
Thermal Zone |
Models a subset of nodes, branches, and externals of a thermal network. A thermal zone is node-oriented, i.e., only thermal nodes can be assigned to a thermal zone, and every thermal node belongs to only one thermal zone |
Thermal Group |
Models a subset of different objects in a thermal network. Except for the thermal network, subs, and zones, any thermal object can be added to a thermal group. In contrast to thermal subs and zones, thermal groups do not follow any specific assignment rules. Thus, a thermal object can be part of multiple thermal groups |
Thermal Node |
Models a physical or virtual location in the thermal network where heat (or cold) can be injected or extracted through externals (thermal demand, supply, storage, etc.) |
Thermal Pipe |
Models the transport of heat (or cold) between two distant locations |
Heat Supply |
Models the injection of heat at a node |
Heat Demand |
Models the consumption of heat at a node |
1. Thermal network (TNET)
A thermal network object is the top parent object in any model of a thermal system in SAInt (Figure 1). A thermal network object is modeled as a directed graph consisting of a set of thermal nodes, branches, and externals that are connected with one another. A thermal network contains a description of all geometric, topological, and relational information, as well as all network child objects and their static and default properties that do not change during the execution of a simulation (e.g., the length and the diameter of a thermal pipe).
The nodes of a thermal network are objects describing a junction among two or more thermal branches and a physical or virtual location in the thermal network where thermal energy (heating or cooling) can be injected or extracted through externals (e.g., demand, supply, etc.).
The branches of a thermal network are objects that establish how nodes and externals are connected and affect the working fluid’s state as it flows through them. These branches are passive objects, such as thermal pipes, that do not inject or extract energy from the system. Branches of a thermal network are thermal pipes.
The externals of a thermal network represent objects injecting or extracting thermal energy (heating or cooling) from the system. Externals of a thermal network are supplies, demands, and storages.
Scenario events define a change in the settings of a thermal network object during the execution of a scenario. Thermal network events can be used to customize the network and simulation settings and to compare the effect of different assumptions across simulation scenarios. The following list describes the scenario events available for a network object.
Summaries for the properties and the events of TNET.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Maximum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Total rate of heat transferred from the cold sides of the pipes to the ambient |
FL |
Total pressure loss due to friction in the two sides of the pipes |
Total net rate of heat transferred into externals (PHIIN - PHIOUT) |
Total rate of heat transferred into the heat supply to compensate the heat loss of the pipes and the mismatch between the supplies and the demands |
Total rate of heat transferred from the hot sides of the pipes to the ambient |
Total rate of heat transferred into the externals |
Total rate of heat transferred out of the externals |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default ambient temperature. The "TAMB" event of TNET, TSUB, or TPI can override it |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Ambient temperature. The "TAMB" event of TSUB or TPI can override it |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Ambient pressure |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Minimum pressure difference between two sides of all the nodes |
TimeModified |
Time of last network model modification. Updated automatically when changes at network level are saved |
Version |
Network version. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
ImageDirectory |
Directory path to image file |
ModelDir |
Directory Path to Model file |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
Ambient |
Ambient temperature. Minimum: 183.15. Maximum: 333.15. |
2. Thermal network container
The child objects of a network can be grouped into the following subsets, also referred to as "containers": sub, zone, and group. These arrangements can be used to define relevant information for a network, or they can simply be used to conveniently aggregate outputs of a scenario.
2.1. Thermal sub (TSUB)
A sub (also referred to as sub-network or sub-system) is a subset of nodes, branches, and externals of a network. A sub is branch-oriented, i.e., only branches can be assigned to a sub, and every branch belongs to only one sub. The FromNode
and ToNode
of a branch, as well as the externals connected to these two nodes, are implicitly added to the sub. Thus, nodes connecting branches of different subs and the externals connected to these nodes are always included in multiple subs. But all properties of a sub are determined by the branches belonging to it.
Summaries for the properties and the events of TSUB.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Maximum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Total rate of heat transferred from the cold sides of the pipes to the ambient |
FL |
Total pressure loss due to friction in the two sides of the pipes |
Total net rate of heat transferred into externals (PHIIN - PHIOUT) |
Total rate of heat transferred into the heat supply to compensate the heat loss of the pipes and the mismatch between the supplies and the demands |
Total rate of heat transferred from the hot sides of the pipes to the ambient |
Total rate of heat transferred into the externals |
Total rate of heat transferred out of the externals |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Ambient temperature. It can override "TNET.TAMB" but can be overridden by "TPI.TAMB" |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
Ambient |
Ambient temperature. Minimum: 183.15. Maximum: 333.15. |
2.2. Thermal zone (TZN)
A subset of nodes, branches, and externals of a thermal network. Differently from subs, zones are node-oriented, i.e., only nodes can be assigned to a zone, and every node belongs to one zone. Branches with a FromNode
and ToNode
belonging to the same zone are implicitly added to the corresponding zone. In contrast, branches with a FromNode
and ToNode
belonging to two different zones do not belong to any zone. Externals are also implicitly added to the zone of the node they are connected to. But all properties of a zone are determined by the nodes belonging to it.
Summaries for the properties and the events of TZN.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Maximum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Total rate of heat transferred from the cold sides of the pipes to the ambient |
FL |
Total pressure loss due to friction in the two sides of the pipes |
Total net rate of heat transferred into externals (PHIIN - PHIOUT) |
Total rate of heat transferred into the heat supply to compensate the heat loss of the pipes and the mismatch between the supplies and the demands |
Total rate of heat transferred from the hot sides of the pipes to the ambient |
Total rate of heat transferred into the externals |
Total rate of heat transferred out of the externals |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
2.3. Thermal group (TGRP)
A group is a subset of different child object types (e.g., nodes, branches, externals, etc.) of the whole network. In contrast to subs and zones, groups do not follow any specific assignment rules. Thus, a child object can be assigned to multiple groups, and a group can have as many child objects assigned to it as there are child objects in the network.
Summaries for the properties and the events of TGRP.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Maximum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the pressures of two sides of the nodes |
Minimum value of the temperatures of two sides of the nodes |
Total rate of heat transferred from the cold sides of the pipes to the ambient |
FL |
Total pressure loss due to friction in the two sides of the pipes |
Total net rate of heat transferred into externals (PHIIN - PHIOUT) |
Total rate of heat transferred into the heat supply to compensate the heat loss of the pipes and the mismatch between the supplies and the demands |
Total rate of heat transferred from the hot sides of the pipes to the ambient |
Total rate of heat transferred into the externals |
Total rate of heat transferred out of the externals |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
3. Thermal node (TNO)
Nodes represent objects describing a junction among two or more thermal branches, as well as a location in the thermal network where thermal energy can be injected or extracted through externals (e.g., heat demand, cold supply, etc.).
Summaries for the properties and the events of TNO.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
PC |
Pressure of the cold side |
TC |
Temperature of the flows out of the cold side |
PH |
Pressure of the hot side |
TH |
Temperature of the flows out of the hot side |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total net rate of heat transferred into externals (PHIIN - PHIOUT) |
Total rate of heat transferred into externals |
Q |
Total flow from the cold side to the hot side via externals |
Total rate of heat transferred out of externals |
PD |
Pressure difference between the hot side and the cold side ("PH" - "PC") |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default maximum pressure of the hot side and the cold side |
Default minimum pressure of the hot side and the cold side |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum pressure of the hot side and the cold side |
Minimum pressure of the hot side and the cold side |
Pressure set-point for the hot side. There should only be one such event in each isolated network |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
H |
Elevation |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
X |
Cartesian X or Longitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
Y |
Cartesian Y or Latitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
ZoneName |
ZoneName of the zone the node belongs to |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Degree |
Number of connected branches and externals |
The injection/extraction of water is not considered for now. |
4. Thermal branch (TBR)
A branch is a general type of object which describes a generic connection between two nodes in the network. Different types of branches exist in SAInt and the following sections provides more details on each of them.
4.1. Thermal pipe (TPI)
The thermal pipe transports thermal energy via a working fluid from one place to another. A pipe object represents both the pipe on the hot side and the corresponding pipe on the cold side. The direction of such two pipes are the same. The following two images mainly illustrate the branch direction, the flow directions, and temperatures of a thermal pipe.
The parameters and events of the pipe on the cold side are the same as its counterpart on the hot side. |
Summaries for the properties and the events of TPI.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Downstream temperature of the cold side |
Downstream temperature of the hot side |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Q |
Mass flow rate of the hot side |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Pressure of the cold side ("PC") of the "from" node |
Temperature of the code side ("TC") of the "from" node |
Heat transferred from the cold side to the ambient |
Pressure of the cold side ("PC") of the "to" node |
Temperature of the cold side ("TC") of the "to" node |
Pressure difference between the nodes of the cold side in the branch direction ("PIC" - "POC") |
Temperature drop on the cold side of the pipe in the flow direction |
Upstream temperature of the cold side based on the flow direction |
V |
Flow velocity of the hot side |
FL |
Pressure loss due to friction in the two sides |
PI |
Pressure of the hot side ("PH") of the "from" node |
Temperature of the hot side ("TH") of the "from" node |
Heat transferred from the hot side to the ambient |
PO |
Pressure of the hot side ("PH") of the "to" node |
Temperature of the hot side ("TH") of the "to" node |
PD |
Pressure difference between the nodes of the hot side in the branch direction ("PI" - "PO") |
Temperature drop on the hot side of the pipe in the flow direction |
Upstream temperature of the hot side based on the flow direction |
Volumetric flow rate of the hot side |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Ambient temperature. It can override "TAMB" of TNET and "TSUB" |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
DrawLine |
If true, element will be drawn as a straight line and internal points will be neglected |
FromName |
Name of FromNode |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
D |
Inner pipe diameter or design diameter of non-pipe branches |
RO |
Inner wall roughness of pipeline |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Linear heat transfer coefficient |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Eff |
Pipeline efficiency |
L |
Pipeline length |
SubName |
Sub the branch belongs to |
ToName |
Name of ToNode |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
A |
Cross sectional area |
Length According to Map Coordinates |
Pipeline inclination |
LD |
Difference between actual pipeline length and geographic length |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
Ambient |
Ambient temperature. Minimum: 183.15. Maximum: 333.15. |
5. Thermal external (TXT)
A thermal external represents a device or a system that interacts with a thermal node by either consuming or producing thermal energy. It can represent different elements of a thermal network, such as a heat pump, combined power and heat facility, absorption chiller, heat sink, or thermal storage. A thermal external has a single connection to a thermal node, and multiple thermal externals can connect to the same thermal node.
Multiple externals at the same node can connect two sides of a node in parallel, which is illustrated below. Note the details outside the district heating network (indicated by the gray boxes) are not modeled in SAInt. For example, the temperature-related properties, HSUP.PLANT.Q
model the left side of the heat exchanger of HSUP.PLANT
5.1. Heat demand (HDEM)
A heat demand represents a heat exchanger which connects the hot side of the node to the cold side. The heat demand acts as a heat sink extracting thermal energy from the network for a specific purpose (e.g., household, commercial, industrial, etc.).
Summaries for the properties and the events of HDEM.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Control mode, which is determined by the events and affects which events are considered |
TD |
Downstream temperature |
Q |
Mass flow rate from the hot side to the cold side |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Heat exchanged out of the flow |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
TI |
Temperature of the flows out of the hot side |
TO |
Temperature of the flows out of the cold side |
Temperature drop between the hot and the cold side in the flow direction |
TU |
Upstream temperature, which is the temperature of the flows out of the hot side |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default maximum mass flow rate from the hot side to the cold side |
Default maximum amount of heat exchanged out of the flow |
Default maximum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Default minimum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Set-point of the downstream temperature |
Set-point of the mass flow rate from the hot side to the cold side |
Set-point of exchanged heat |
Maximum mass flow rate from the hot side to the cold side |
Maximum amount of heat exchanged out of the flow |
Maximum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Minimum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
NodeName |
Name of node the external is connected to |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
Constraint |
Maximum heat out of the flow. Minimum: 0.0. |
ControlSetPoint |
Heat out of the flow. Minimum: 0.0. |
Constraint |
Maximum mass flow rate. Minimum: 0.0. |
ControlSetPoint |
Mass flow rate. Minimum: 0.0. |
ControlSetPoint |
Downstream temperature. Minimum: 273.15. |
Constraint |
Maximum temperature of both sides. Minimum: 183.15. |
Constraint |
Minimum temperature of both sides. Minimum: 183.15. |
There is no property for the default values of QMAX , TSET , or PHISET .
Three control modes and their combinations of events of the heat demand are summarized in the following table.
Short Name | Description | TDSET | QSET | PHISET | Implemented |
Heat |
✓ |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
Flow |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
✓ |
UndefTemp |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
The last control mode will be implemented in the future. |
There are five invalid combinations of events, which are summarized in the following table. If any demand has one of these combinations, the simulation will not start.
Short Name | TDSET | QSET | PHISET | Reason |
Undef |
✗ |
✗ |
✗ |
under-determined |
MissFlow |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
under-determined |
MissTempHeat |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ |
under-determined |
MissTempFlow |
✗ |
✓ |
✗ |
under-determined |
ExtraFlow |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
overdetermined |
5.2. Heat supply (HSUP)
A heat supply transports flow from the cold side of the node to the hot side. Some heat is exchanged into the flow.
A heat supply represents a heat exchanger which connects the hot side of the node to the cold side. The heat supply acts as a heat source injecting thermal energy to the network from a heat production facility or unit (e.g., combined heat and power (CHP), heat pump, boiler, etc.).
Summaries for the properties and the events of HSUP.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Control mode, which is determined by the events and affects which events are considered |
TD |
Downstream temperature |
Heat exchanged into the flow |
Q |
Mass flow rate from the cold side to the hot side |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
TI |
Temperature of the flows out of the cold side |
TO |
Temperature of the flows out of the hot side |
Temperature drop between the hot and the cold side in the flow direction |
TU |
Upstream temperature, which is the temperature of the flows out of the cold side |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default maximum mass flow rate from the cold side to the hot side |
Default maximum amount of heat exchanged into the flow |
Default maximum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Default minimum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Absolute participating factor. A positive value means the supply participates in the distributed compensation. Will be scaled down to the relative participating factor based on the sum of all the absolute participating factors |
Set-point of the downstream temperature |
Set-point of the mass flow rate from the cold side to the hot side |
Set-point of exchanged heat |
Maximum mass flow rate from the cold side to the hot side |
Maximum amount of heat exchanged into the flow |
Maximum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Minimum value of the downstream temperature and the upstream temperature |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
NodeName |
Name of node the external is connected to |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
ControlSetPoint |
Absolute participating factor. Minimum: 0.0. |
Constraint |
Maximum heat into the flow. Minimum: 0.0. |
ControlSetPoint |
Heat into the flow. Minimum: 0.0. |
Constraint |
Maximum mass flow rate. Minimum: 0.0. |
ControlSetPoint |
Mass flow rate. Minimum: 0.0. |
ControlSetPoint |
Downstream temperature. Minimum: 273.15. |
Constraint |
Maximum temperature of both sides. Minimum: 183.15. |
Constraint |
Minimum temperature of both sides. Minimum: 183.15. |
There is no property for the default values of TSET , PFSET , and PHISET .
Five control modes and their combinations of events of the heat supply are summarized in the following table.
Short Name | Description | TDSET | PHISET | QSET | PFSET | Implemented |
Heat |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
=0 or ✗ |
✓ |
Flow |
✓ |
✗ |
✓ |
✗ |
✓ |
CompHeat |
Participate in distributed compensation with unknown |
✓ |
✓ or ✗ |
✗ |
>0 |
✓ |
UndefTemp |
✗ |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
CompUndefTemp |
Participate in distributed compensation with unknown |
✗ |
✓ or ✗ |
✓ |
>0 |
The last two control modes will be implemented in the future. |
At least one heat supply must has non-zero PFSET . Multiple heat supplies with PFSET mean they participate in the distributed compensation together.
There are seven invalid combinations of events, which are summarized in the following table. If any supply has one of these combinations, the simulation will not start.
Short Name | TDSET | QSET | PHISET | PFSET | Reason |
Undef |
✗ |
✗ |
✗ |
✗ |
under-determined |
Miss |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
✗ |
under-determined |
MissTempFlow |
✗ |
✓ |
✗ |
✗ |
under-determined |
MissTempHeat |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ |
✗ |
under-determined |
MissingTempCompHeat |
✗ |
✗ |
✓ or ✗ |
✓ |
under-determined |
ExtraFlow |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✗ |
overdetermined |
ExtraFlowComp |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ or ✗ |
✓ |
overdetermined |