Electric Objects
This section presents an in-depth description of all objects available in SAInt that are available to develop an electric network model. SAInt is written with an object-oriented programming language, and thus the presentation of available objects is approached with the object hierarchy. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of the parent-child relationships of all electric objects. Table 1 gives concise descriptions of all electric objects.
The top-level base object in an electric network model is the "Electric Network" object ENET. An electric network may contain many other base objects, such as electric demands EDEM or electric lines LI. An electric branch EBR is the parent object, while an electric line LI or an electric transformer TRF are the child objects; this means that both the electric line and electric transformer share some base properties of the electric branch. Objects that are not a base class for any other objects can only be children. For instance, the electric line object LI is not a base class for any other objects, and thus it can only a child. See the schematic below for a visual representation of the complete hierarchical object structure for the electric network model in SAInt.
Icon | ObjType | Display Name | Description |
Electric Network |
Models the characteristics and interactions of facilities and/or components of an electric network or market. Serves as a container for all objects in the electric network |
Electric Sub |
Models a subset of nodes, branches, and externals of an electric network. An electric sub is branch-oriented, i.e., only electric branches can be assigned to an electric sub, and every electric branch belongs to only one electric sub |
Electric Zone |
Models a subset of nodes, branches, and externals of an electric network. An electric zone is node-oriented, i.e., only electric nodes can be assigned to an electric zone, and every electric node belongs to only one electric zone |
Electric Group |
Models a subset of different objects in an electric network. Except for the electric network, subs, and zones, any electric object can be added to an electric group. In contrast to electric subs and zones, electric groups do not follow any specific assignment rules. Thus, an electric object can be part of multiple electric groups |
Electric Node |
Models a physical or virtual location in the electric network where electric power can be injected or extracted through externals (electric demand, generators, storages, etc.) |
Electric Branch |
Base object type for all electric branches. Models a directed connection between two electric nodes |
Electric Line |
Models the transport of electric power between two distant locations |
Electric Transformer |
Models a local increase (step-up) or decrease (step-down) of voltage between areas of different voltage levels in the electric network |
Electric External |
Base object type for all electric externals. An electric external is a directed connection to a single node that allows the extraction and injection of electric power |
Electric Demand |
Models the extraction (consumption) of electric power at a node |
Generic Generator |
Models a generator or an external network injecting electric power into the electric network |
Fuel Generator |
Models the injection of electric power by a fuel generator that generates electricity by converting chemical energy stored in a fuel first into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy. A fuel generator requires a fuel object (oil, gas, coal, nuclear, etc.) for operation |
Hydro Generator |
Models the injection of electric power from a hydro generator. The amount of electricity produced depends on the volumetric flow rate (TURB) driving the hydro turbines and a coefficient describing the active power generation per volumetric rate (PCOEFF). A hydro generator is always connected to a hydro power plant |
Wind Generator |
Models the injection of electric power from a wind generator. The electric power generation profile for a wind generator can be generated from wind weather resource data and the characteristics of the wind generator (wind turbine power curve, hub height, etc.) |
Solar Generator |
Models the injection of electric power from a solar generator. The electric power generation profile for a solar generator can be generated from solar weather resource data and the characteristics of the solar generator (PanelType, Tilt Angle, etc.) |
Electric Storage |
Models the storage of electric energy in electric storage systems, such as battery, flywheel, or compressed air |
Electric Shunt |
Models a shunt reactor or capacitor. Shunt reactors are placed locally to control the over-voltages at electric nodes under light load conditions (consume reactive power to reduce the nodal voltage), while shunt capacitors are used to boost the voltage in a stressed system (supply reactive power to increase the nodal voltage) |
Fuel |
Models the consumption and emission of the fuel used by one or more fuel generators |
Hydro Plant |
Models a hydro power plant consisting of one or more hydro generators. Water flows into the hydro power plant either from inflow (rain, etc.), water turbinated by another hydro power plant, or spillage from a hydro power plant. Hydro power plants have a maximum and minimum reservoir volume; the difference determines the volume that can be turbinated through a hydro generator. The hydro power plant has three outflow types, namely, outflow, turbination, and spilling |
Ancillary Service |
Models the ability of generators and demands to provide reserve capacity (upward or downward reserve) to the electric network in case of an unexpected contingency |
Ancillary Service External |
Models the facilities contributing to an ancillary service |
Electric Constraint |
Models a user-defined linear equality or inequality constraint describing relations between the variables of different electric objects |
Electric Variable |
Models a variable of an electric object and its corresponding coefficient utilized in a user-defined constraint |
1. Electric network (ENET)
An electric network object is the top parent object in any model of an electric system in SAInt (Figure 1). An electric network object is modeled as a directed graph consisting of sets of electric nodes, branches, and externals; branches connect two nodes, while externals are connected to only a single node. An electric network contains all of the geometric, topological, and relational information required to create the graph, as well as all network child objects and their static/physical properties that do not change during the execution of a simulation (e.g., the length of a transmission line).
The "nodes" of an electric network identify junctions in the network graph where branches and externals connect. among the network branches and the connection point for externals.
The "branches" of an electric network establish the connectivity of the network and can passively (e.g., electric lines) or actively (e.g., tap changing transformers) modify the state of the electricity that flows across them. Branches of an electric network are "lines" and "transformers".
The "externals" of an electric network represent objects supplying or withdrawing electrical power from the system. Externals of an electric network are generators, "demands", "shunts, and "storages. SAInt models a variety of different types of generators, such as "wind generators", "solar generators, "generic generators", "fuel generators, and "hydro generators",
An electric network can also contain other electric-specific objects such as "fuels", "ancillary services", "ancillary service externals", "electric variables", "electric constraints", and "hydropower plants".
Summaries for the properties and events of ENET.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power compensation mode used in power flow simulations |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power compensation mode used in power flow simulations |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum voltage angle |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum voltage angle |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
BaseS |
Nominal apparent power for conversion to network wide per unit system |
BaseF |
Base frequency for the entire network |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
BaseS |
Nominal apparent power for conversion to network wide per unit system |
BaseF |
Base frequency for the entire network |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
BaseS |
Nominal apparent power for conversion to network wide per unit system |
BaseF |
Base frequency for the entire network |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
BaseS |
Nominal apparent power for conversion to network wide per unit system |
BaseF |
Base frequency for the entire network |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
BaseS |
Nominal apparent power for conversion to network wide per unit system |
BaseF |
Base frequency for the entire network |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
IniSetting |
Disregard coupling between hydro generators and hydro plants. |
IniSetting |
Include line losses. |
IniSetting |
Disregard ancillary services. |
IniSetting |
Disregard all user defined constraints. |
IniSetting |
Disregard voltage angle drop equation. |
IniSetting |
No last Horizon. |
IniSetting |
Disregard line constraints. |
IniSetting |
Turn on active power compensation mode proiritization. |
PenaltyPrice |
Penalty price for not meeting (curtailing) active power set point . Minimum: 0. |
IniSetting |
Differentiate between forward and reverse flow through branches. |
PenaltyPrice |
Penalty price for spilled flow. Minimum: 0. |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
IniSetting |
Turn on active power compensation mode proiritization. |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
IniSetting |
Disregard coupling between hydro generators and hydro plants. |
IniSetting |
Include line losses. |
IniSetting |
Disregard ancillary services. |
IniSetting |
Disregard all user defined constraints. |
IniSetting |
Disregard voltage angle drop equation. |
IniSetting |
No last Horizon. |
IniSetting |
Disregard line constraints. |
PenaltyPrice |
Penalty price for not meeting (curtailing) active power set point . Minimum: 0. |
IniSetting |
Differentiate between forward and reverse flow through branches. |
PenaltyPrice |
Penalty price for spilled flow. Minimum: 0. |
Parameter | Type | Description | UnitType |
PenaltyPrice |
Penalty price for not meeting (curtailing) active power set point . Minimum: 0. |
By default, the event |
2. Electric network container
The child objects of a network can be grouped into the following subsets, also referred to as "containers": sub, zone, and group. These arrangements can be used to define relevant information for a network, or they can simply be used to conveniently aggregate outputs of a scenario.
2.1. Electric sub (ESUB)
A sub (also referred to as sub-network or sub-system) is a subset of nodes, branches, and externals of a network. A sub is branch-oriented, i.e., only branches can be assigned to a sub, and every branch belongs to only one sub. The FromNode
and ToNode
of a branch, as well as the externals connected to these two nodes, are implicitly added to the sub. Thus, nodes connecting branches of different subs and the externals connected to these nodes are always included in multiple subs. But all properties of a sub are determined by the branches belonging to it.
Summaries for the properties and events of ESUB.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum voltage angle |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum voltage angle |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
2.2. Electric zone (EZN)
A zone is a subset of nodes, branches, and externals of an electricity network. In contrast to subs, zones are node-oriented, i.e., only nodes can be assigned to a zone, and every node belongs to one zone. Branches with a FromNode
and ToNode
belonging to the same zone ae implicitly added to the corresponding zone. In contrast, branches with a FromNode
and ToNode
belonging to two different zones do not belong to any zone. Externals are also implicitly added to the zone of the node they are connected to. But all properties of a zone are determined by the nodes belonging to it.
Summaries for the properties and events of EZN.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum voltage angle |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum voltage angle |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
2.3. Electric group (EGRP)
A group is a sub of different child object types (e.g., nodes, branches, externals, fuels, ancillary services, hydro plants, constraints, etc.) of the whole network. In contrast to subs and zones, groups do not follow specific assignment rules. Thus, a child object can be assigned to multiple groups, and a group can have as many child objects assigned to it as there are child objects in the network.
Summaries for the properties and events of EGRP.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total scheduled active power extraction by all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric demands active power set points (PSET) |
Total scheduled active power injection by all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all electric generators active power set points (PSET) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (InService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (InService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (InService = True) |
Total scheduled reactive power demand |
Total storage capacity of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total line charging |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum voltage angle |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum voltage angle |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time. Calculated in the network, sub, zone or group as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Maximum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Maximum shadow price for nodal active power balance among all the nodes in service in the network, sub, zone or group |
Maximum current |
Maximum reactive power loss |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power generation |
Maximum shadow price for reactive power |
Maximum voltage angle |
Maximum voltage |
Maximum shadow price for voltage magnitude |
Maximum shadow price for active power generation |
Minimum active power loss among all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Minimum current |
Minimum reactive power loss |
Minimum voltage angle |
Minimum voltage |
State of charge for all in service storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) |
Active power flow balance |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all electric demands |
Total active power generation from all electric prosumers in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power extraction from the network, sub, zone or group by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all electric generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection to the network, sub, zone or group by all externals. It also includes storages and hydros when discharging |
PL |
Total active power loss of all branches in the network, sub, zone or group. In DCUCOPF losses are considered if INCLUDELOSSES (network) event is applied |
Total active power losses from all storages objects in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation from all pumped hydro storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total Active Power Demand by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all electric storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all electric demands in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time. Calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total line charging |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total operating costs |
Reactive power flow balance |
QD |
Total reactive power demand |
Total active power generation from fuel generators |
QG |
Total reactive power generation |
Total active power generation from hydro generators |
QL |
Total reactive power loss |
Total Reactive Power Supply by connected Shunts |
Total active power generation from variable renewable generators |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shutdown cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDownCostRate) |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have shut down between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (ShutDown) |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time. Calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUpCostRate) |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group that have started up between current time step and previous time step. Sum of all (StartUp) |
Total storage inventory of all storages in the network, sub, zone or group. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of branches in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of externals in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of closed loops in the network, sub, zone or group |
Number of nodes in the network, sub, zone or group |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Total name plate capacity for all in service fuel generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all fuel generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generator types in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service generic generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all generic generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service hydro generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all hydro generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service solar generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all solar generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Total name plate capacity for all in service wind generators. Calculated based on the default maximum active power (PMAXDEF) of all wind generators in the network, sub, zone or group |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
3. Electric node (ENO)
Nodes represent objects describing a junction among two or more electric branches, as well as a location in the electric network where power can be injected or extracted through externals (e.g., demand, supply, etc.).
Summaries for the properties and events of ENO.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Voltage angle of Phase A, line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase A, line-to-neutral voltage in per unit |
Voltage angle of Phase B, line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase B, line-to-neutral voltage in per unit |
Voltage angle of Phase C, line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase C, line-to-neutral voltage in per unit |
Shadow price for nodal active power balance |
Shadow price for nodal reactive power balance |
VA |
Voltage Angle |
Voltage magnitude per unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
VA |
Voltage Angle |
Voltage magnitude per unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Voltage angle of Phase A, line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase A, line-to-neutral voltage in per unit |
Voltage angle of Phase B, line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase B, line-to-neutral voltage in per unit |
Voltage angle of Phase C, line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase C, line-to-neutral voltage in per unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Shadow price for nodal active power balance |
VA |
Voltage Angle |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
Shadow price for nodal active power balance |
Shadow price for nodal reactive power balance |
VA |
Voltage Angle |
Voltage magnitude per unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (inService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages connected to the node. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (inService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages connected to the node. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (inService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages connected to the node. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (inService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages connected to the node. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating fuel generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all the in-service (inService = True) and operating generators |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all generic generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all hydro generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all solar generators in service (inService = True) |
Total available active power generation capacity in the node. Calculated as the sum of the maximum active power (PMAX) of all wind generators in service (inService = True) |
Total storage capacity of all storages connected to the node. Sum of all maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
P |
Total active power supply minus demands from externals. Demand is the sum of demand, storage and hydro when charging. Calculated as (PIN) minus (POUT) |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the node by all electric demands objects |
Total active power extraction from the node by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all generators objects connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection from the node by all externals including storages and hydro when discharging |
Total active power absorption(-)/injection(+) from all shunts connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between absorption (P with negative sign) and injection (P with positive sign) |
Total active power losses from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all externals connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation/demand from all electric prosumers connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation/demand from all pumped hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation by solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all demands connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Available phase conductors at the node based on the branches and generators connected to the node, valid outputs are A, B, C, AB, AC, BC or ABC |
Average of line-to-line voltage magnitudes of available phases at the node in per unit. Returns line-to-neutral voltage if only single phase is available |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
Voltage angle of Phase A-to-B, line-to-line voltage |
Magnitude of Phase A-to-B line-to-line voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase A-to-B, line-to-line voltage in per unit |
Magnitude of Phase A line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage angle of Phase B-to-C, line-to-line voltage |
Magnitude of Phase B-to-C line-to-line voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase B-to-C, line-to-line voltage in per unit |
Magnitude of Phase B line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage angle of Phase C-to-A, line-to-line voltage |
Magnitude of Phase C-to-A line-to-line voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase B-to-C, line-to-line voltage in per unit |
Magnitude of Phase C line-to-neutral voltage |
Reactive power injection from shunts (-) absorption / (+) injection |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generator(s) that have shut down between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of shut down (ShutDown) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shut down cost of fuel generator(s) between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of shut down cost rates (ShutDownCostRate) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generator(s) that have started up between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of start up (StartUp) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generator(s) between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of start up cost rates (StartUpCostRate) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
State of charge for the in service storage(s) calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) of the storages connected to the node |
Total storage inventory of all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
S |
Magnitude of the net apparent power at the node |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time calculated as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
Total power contribution to downward reserves |
Total power contribution to upward reserves |
Q |
Total reactive power supply minus demand from externals |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
QG |
Total reactive power supply from externals |
VM |
Voltage Magnitude (for UACPF, the average of line-to-line voltage magnitudes of available phases at the node) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators connected to the node |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
P |
Total active power supply minus demands from externals. Demand is the sum of demand, storage and hydro when charging. Calculated as (PIN) minus (POUT) |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the node by all electric demands objects |
Total active power extraction from the node by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all generators objects connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection from the node by all externals including storages and hydro when discharging |
Total active power absorption(-)/injection(+) from all shunts connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between absorption (P with negative sign) and injection (P with positive sign) |
Total active power losses from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all externals connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation/demand from all electric prosumers connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation/demand from all pumped hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation by solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all demands connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Reactive power injection from shunts (-) absorption / (+) injection |
State of charge for the in service storage(s) calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) of the storages connected to the node |
Total storage inventory of all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
S |
Magnitude of the net apparent power at the node |
Q |
Total reactive power supply minus demand from externals |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
QG |
Total reactive power supply from externals |
VM |
Voltage Magnitude (for UACPF, the average of line-to-line voltage magnitudes of available phases at the node) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
P |
Total active power supply minus demands from externals. Demand is the sum of demand, storage and hydro when charging. Calculated as (PIN) minus (POUT) |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the node by all electric demands objects |
Total active power extraction from the node by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all generators objects connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection from the node by all externals including storages and hydro when discharging |
Total active power absorption(-)/injection(+) from all shunts connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between absorption (P with negative sign) and injection (P with positive sign) |
Total active power losses from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all externals connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation/demand from all electric prosumers connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation/demand from all pumped hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation by solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all demands connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Available phase conductors at the node based on the branches and generators connected to the node, valid outputs are A, B, C, AB, AC, BC or ABC |
Average of line-to-line voltage magnitudes of available phases at the node in per unit. Returns line-to-neutral voltage if only single phase is available |
Voltage angle of Phase A-to-B, line-to-line voltage |
Magnitude of Phase A-to-B line-to-line voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase A-to-B, line-to-line voltage in per unit |
Magnitude of Phase A line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage angle of Phase B-to-C, line-to-line voltage |
Magnitude of Phase B-to-C line-to-line voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase B-to-C, line-to-line voltage in per unit |
Magnitude of Phase B line-to-neutral voltage |
Voltage angle of Phase C-to-A, line-to-line voltage |
Magnitude of Phase C-to-A line-to-line voltage |
Voltage magnitude of Phase B-to-C, line-to-line voltage in per unit |
Magnitude of Phase C line-to-neutral voltage |
Reactive power injection from shunts (-) absorption / (+) injection |
State of charge for the in service storage(s) calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) of the storages connected to the node |
Total storage inventory of all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
S |
Magnitude of the net apparent power at the node |
Q |
Total reactive power supply minus demand from externals |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
QG |
Total reactive power supply from externals |
VM |
Voltage Magnitude (for UACPF, the average of line-to-line voltage magnitudes of available phases at the node) |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
P |
Total active power supply minus demands from externals. Demand is the sum of demand, storage and hydro when charging. Calculated as (PIN) minus (POUT) |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the node by all electric demands objects |
Total active power extraction from the node by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all generators objects connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection from the node by all externals including storages and hydro when discharging |
Total active power absorption(-)/injection(+) from all shunts connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between absorption (P with negative sign) and injection (P with positive sign) |
Total active power losses from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all externals connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation/demand from all electric prosumers connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation/demand from all pumped hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation by solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all demands connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generator(s) that have shut down between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of shut down (ShutDown) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shut down cost of fuel generator(s) between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of shut down cost rates (ShutDownCostRate) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generator(s) that have started up between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of start up (StartUp) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generator(s) between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of start up cost rates (StartUpCostRate) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
State of charge for the in service storage(s) calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) of the storages connected to the node |
Total storage inventory of all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
Total cost for operating generators and storages per time calculated as the sum of TOTVOMRATE and FuelCostRate. It does not include StartUpCostRate and ShutDownCostRate |
Total power contribution to downward reserves |
Total power contribution to upward reserves |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators connected to the node |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
P |
Total active power supply minus demands from externals. Demand is the sum of demand, storage and hydro when charging. Calculated as (PIN) minus (POUT) |
PD |
Total active power extraction from the node by all electric demands objects |
Total active power extraction from the node by all externals (demands, storages and hydro when charging) |
Total active power generation from all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
PG |
Total active power generation from all generators objects connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation from all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power injection from the node by all externals including storages and hydro when discharging |
Total active power absorption(-)/injection(+) from all shunts connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between absorption (P with negative sign) and injection (P with positive sign) |
Total active power losses from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all storages losses (PL) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all externals connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total active power generation/demand from all electric prosumers connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation/demand from all pumped hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power generation by solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Total active power charge(-)/discharge(+) from all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the difference between charging (P with negative sign) and discharging (P with positive sign) |
Total active power generation by wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of all active power (P) |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all demands connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all fuel generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all generic generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all hydro generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all solar generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Difference between scheduled and delivered active power for all wind generators connected to the node. Calculated as the sum of PSET minus P |
Total emission rate of carbon dioxide per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (CO2RATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
FuelCostRate |
Total fuel cost rate per time calculated as the sum of the fuel rates (FuelCostRate) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
Total emission rate of nitrogen oxides per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (NOXRATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
Reactive power injection from shunts (-) absorption / (+) injection |
ShutDown |
Total number of fuel generator(s) that have shut down between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of shut down (ShutDown) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
ShutDownCostRate |
Total shut down cost of fuel generator(s) between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of shut down cost rates (ShutDownCostRate) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
Total emission rate of sulfur dioxide per time calculated as the sum of the emission rates (SO2RATE) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
StartUp |
Total number of fuel generator(s) that have started up between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of start up (StartUp) of all fuel generator(s) connected to the node |
StartUpCostRate |
Total startup cost of fuel generator(s) between current time step and previous time step calculated as the sum of start up cost rates (StartUpCostRate) of all fuel generators connected to the node |
State of charge for the in service storage(s) calculated as the weighted energy average stored (in %) of the storages connected to the node |
Total storage inventory of all storages connected to the node. Calculated as the multiplication between state of charge (SOC) and maximum storages capacities (MaxCap) |
S |
Magnitude of the net apparent power at the node |
Q |
Total reactive power supply minus demand from externals |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
QG |
Total reactive power supply from externals |
VM |
Voltage Magnitude (for UACPF, the average of line-to-line voltage magnitudes of available phases at the node) |
Total variable operational and maintenance cost per time. Calculated as the sum of the variable operational and maintenance cost rates (TOTVOMRATE) of all generators connected to the node |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default maximum voltage magnitude in network per-unit |
Default minimum voltage magnitude in network per-unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default maximum voltage magnitude in network per-unit |
Default minimum voltage magnitude in network per-unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Default maximum voltage magnitude in network per-unit |
Default minimum voltage magnitude in network per-unit |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power reference which can be used for comparing results. It has no effect on the scenario results. It is the event value of the passive event PREF |
Maximum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Minimum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Reactive power reference |
Voltage magnitude reference |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power reference which can be used for comparing results. It has no effect on the scenario results. It is the event value of the passive event PREF |
Maximum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Minimum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Reactive power reference |
Voltage magnitude reference |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power reference which can be used for comparing results. It has no effect on the scenario results. It is the event value of the passive event PREF |
Maximum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Minimum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Reactive power reference |
Voltage magnitude reference |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power reference which can be used for comparing results. It has no effect on the scenario results. It is the event value of the passive event PREF |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Active power reference which can be used for comparing results. It has no effect on the scenario results. It is the event value of the passive event PREF |
Maximum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Minimum Voltage Magnitude in network per-unit |
Reactive power reference |
Voltage magnitude reference |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
BaseV |
Nominal voltage magnitude |
H |
Elevation |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
X |
Cartesian X or Longitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
Y |
Cartesian Y or Latitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
ZoneName |
ZoneName of the zone the node belongs to |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
BaseV |
Nominal voltage magnitude |
H |
Elevation |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
X |
Cartesian X or Longitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
Y |
Cartesian Y or Latitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
ZoneName |
ZoneName of the zone the node belongs to |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
BaseV |
Nominal voltage magnitude |
H |
Elevation |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
X |
Cartesian X or Longitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
Y |
Cartesian Y or Latitude coordinate for visualizing the node in the map. Externals assigned to the node are not displayed |
ZoneName |
ZoneName of the zone the node belongs to |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |