Hub Objects
This section presents an in-depth description of all objects available in SAInt to model a hub system. A hub system aims at modeling coupled energy systems, and at assessing interdependencies and cascading effects. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy and the parent-child relationships between base objects. Table 1 gives a quick and short description of the base objects.
For example, the top-level base object in a hub system model is the "hub system" object HUBS. A hub system contains only one energy hub HUB, which is a child of the system. An energy hub contains many other different base objects, such as, for example, gas-fired generator GFG, power-to-gas facilities P2G
, or electric-driven gas storages EDGSTR. A hub system object has no parents but only children. A hub component object GFG cannot be a parent but only a child. See the schematic below for a visual representation of the complete hierarchical object structure for a hub system model in SAInt.
Icon | ObjType | Display Name | Description |
Hub System |
Models the operation of facilities coupling different energy network types. Serves as a container for all hub objects |
Gas-Fired Generator |
Models the coupling between a Fuel Generator (FGEN) and a Gas Demand (GDEM) |
Power-To-Gas Facility |
Models the coupling between an Electric Demand (EDEM) and a Gas Supply (GSUP). A prime example of a Power-To-Gas Facility is an electrolyzer plant, in which electric power is used to convert water into oxygen and hydrogen. The latter is then injected into the gas network |
Electric-Driven Gas Compressor |
Models the coupling between an Electric Demand (EDEM) and a Gas Compressor (GCS). In an Electric-Driven Gas Compressor, electric power is converted into the mechanical power needed to increase the gas pressure |
Electric-Driven Gas Storage |
Models the coupling between an Electric Demand (EDEM) and a Gas Storage (GSTR). It models the electricity consumption needed to operate the gas storage |
Electric-Driven LNG Terminal |
Models the coupling between an Electric Demand (EDEM) and an LNG Terminal (LNG). It models the electric power consumption needed to operate the LNG terminal |
1. Gas-electric hubs (HUBS)
The hub network contains objects representing coupling points between objects from different network types. Coupling between objects is unique; thus a coupled object cannot be coupled to a third object. A coupled object can be either electric or gas driven. Coupled objects are visualized in the map window with a cyan dash line when the hub is turned on.
The events assigned to the coupled objects are not created on the hub network. For example, for an EDGCS, the |
Summaries for the properties and the events of HUBS.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
CRSType |
Network coordinate reference system for the node locations |
Name of Electric Network |
Name of Gas Network |
Info |
Information related to the network model. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Name of Thermal Network |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Name |
Name of the network model. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. |
NetType |
Network Type |
Number of Hubs |
ObjType |
Object Type |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
1.1. Electric-driven gas compressor (EDGCS)
The electric-driven gas compressor EDGCS is an object allowing to model the coupling between a gas compressor station (GCS) and an electric demand (EDEM). The object describes the electric power consumption needed to operate the gas compressor. The gas event leads to the combined simulation. For example, by setting the POSET
(pressure outlet set point) event for a gas compressor, the simulation determines the required electric demand P
to achieve the POSET
. If a PSET
(active power set point) event is assigned to the electric demand, it will be neglected.
The only considered events for the EDEM object are |
Summaries for the properties and the events of EDGCS.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
PD |
Active Power Demand |
Driver Power |
PI |
Inlet Pressure |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
PO |
Outlet Pressure |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Electric Demand Name |
Gas Compressor Name |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Average driver efficiency |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
Power factor (apparent power magnitude divided by active power). Must be greater than 0 and no more than 1. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor type and the active power set-point |
PWFType |
Power factor type. "ind" means lagging (inductive), while "cap" means leading (capacitive). The value does not matter for a unity (resistive) power factor. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor and the active power set-point |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
1.2. Electric-driven gas storage (EDGSTR)
The electric-driven gas storage EDGSTR is an object allowing to model the coupling between a gas storage (GSTR) and an electric demand (EDEM). The object describes the electric power consumption needed to operate the gas storage. The gas event leads to the combined simulation. For example, by setting the QSET
(flow set point) event for a gas storage, the simulation determines the required electric demand P
to achieve the QSET
. If a PSET
(power set point) event is assigned to the electric demand, it will be neglected.
The only considered events for the EDEM object are |
Summaries for the properties and the events of EDGSTR.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
PD |
Active Power Demand |
P |
Gas Pressure |
Q |
Gas Supply/Demand |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
K0 |
Coefficient of constant term for the coupling equation |
Electric Demand Name |
Gas Storage Name |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
K1 |
Coefficient of linear term for the coupling equation |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
K2 |
Coefficient of quadratic term for the coupling equation |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
Power factor (apparent power magnitude divided by active power). Must be greater than 0 and no more than 1. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor type and the active power set-point |
PWFType |
Power factor type. "ind" means lagging (inductive), while "cap" means leading (capacitive). The value does not matter for a unity (resistive) power factor. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor and the active power set-point |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
1.3. Electric-driven LNG terminal (EDLNG)
The electric-driven LNG terminal EDLNG is an object allowing to model the coupling between a LNG terminal (LNG) and an electric demand (EDEM). The object describes the electric power consumption needed to operate the terminal. The gas event leads to the combined simulation. For example, by setting the QSET
(flow set point) event for a gas LNG terminal, the simulation determines the required electric demand P to achieve the QSET
. If a PSET
(power set point) event is assigned to the electric demand, it will be neglected.
The only considered events for the EDEM object are |
Summaries for the properties and the events of EDLNG.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
PD |
Active Power Demand |
P |
Gas Pressure |
Q |
Gas Supply |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
K0 |
Coefficient of constant term for the coupling equation |
Electric Demand Name |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
K1 |
Coefficient of linear term for the coupling equation |
LNG Terminal Name |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
K2 |
Coefficient of quadratic term for the coupling equation |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
Power factor (apparent power magnitude divided by active power). Must be greater than 0 and no more than 1. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor type and the active power set-point |
PWFType |
Power factor type. "ind" means lagging (inductive), while "cap" means leading (capacitive). The value does not matter for a unity (resistive) power factor. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor and the active power set-point |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
1.4. Gas-fired generator (GFG)
The gas-fired generator GFG is an object allowing to model the coupling between a generator (FGEN) and a gas demand (GDEM). The object describes the gas demand needed to operate the gas generator. The electric event leads the combined simulation. For example, by setting the PSET
(active power set point) event for a fuel generator, the simulation determines the required gas demand Q
to achieve the PSET
. If a QSET
(flow set point) event is assigned to the gas demand, it will be neglected.
The only considered events for the GDEM object are |
Summaries for the properties and the events of GFG.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
PG |
Active Power Generation |
Q |
Gas Demand |
P |
Gas Pressure |
Gross calorific value |
HR |
Heat rate as a function of active power generation |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
QG |
Reactive Power Generation |
TQ |
Thermal flow |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Fuel Generator Name |
GasDemandName |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
HR0 |
Constant heat rate coefficient |
HR1 |
Linear heat rate coefficient |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
HR2 |
Quadratic heat rate coefficient |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |
1.5. Power-to-gas facility (P2G)
The power-to-gas facility P2G
is an object allowing to model the coupling between an electric demand (EDEM
) and a gas supply (GSUP
). The object describes the electric power consumption needed to operate the gas supply (e.g., electrolyzer). The electric event leads the combined simulation. For example, by setting the PSET
(active power set point) event for an electric demand, the simulation determines the amount of gas (Q
) that can be delivered by the gas supply. If a QSET
(flow set point) event is assigned to the Gas Supply, it will be neglected. The gas quality and composition delivered by the gas supply can be modified by the user.
The only considered events for the GSUP object are |
Summaries for the properties and the events of P2G.
Extension | Description | UnitType |
PD |
Active Power Demand |
P |
Gas Pressure |
Q |
Gas Supply |
State |
Current operating state of object. Permitted states are ON and OFF. When referred to a node, all externals connected to the node inherit the state |
QD |
Reactive Power Demand |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
Alias |
Alternative object name. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
Electric Demand Name |
Gas Supply Name |
Info |
Information entered for the object. Any character, including non-alphanumeric, is allowed |
InService |
Indicates if an object is considered or disregarded in the execution of a scenario. Externals connected to the node inherit the "inService" status of the node |
Name |
Object Name. Permitted characters are letters, numbers, and underscore ("_"). The name should start with a letter. The name should be unique for each object type. |
Eff |
Efficiency factor for the power-to-gas conversion |
Visible |
If true, the object symbol will be visible in maps |
Extension | Description | UnitType |
NetType |
Network Type |
ID |
Object Identification |
Power factor (apparent power magnitude divided by active power). Must be greater than 0 and no more than 1. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor type and the active power set-point |
PWFType |
Power factor type. "ind" means lagging (inductive), while "cap" means leading (capacitive). The value does not matter for a unity (resistive) power factor. If the reactive power is not set, will calculate a reactive power set-point based on this value, the power factor and the active power set-point |
Unique identifier for the object which cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object |