Installation and User Folders

After installing SAInt, the user has access to two folders: the installation directory and the user directory. The installation directory contains all the required libraries (.dll), the executables, the end-user license agreement, and the documentation setup file. The user folder contains a variety of supporting files and documentation like the template files, the lexicon listing all the objects' properties, sample polygons and project examples.

SAInt uses as licensing software "CodeMeter" by WIBU Systems. CodeMeter is installed during the installation of SAInt. It is a good practice to carry out the installation of SAInt and CodeMeter using administrative credentials.

1. Installation folder

The installation folder can be generally found at the following path: C:\Program Files\encoord\SAInt-v3. The most relevant files available in the folder are:

  • 16 and 16 CodeMeter (software managing SAInt license, requiring administrative privileges)

  • 16 SAInt-Core.dll (dynamic link library of SAInt-Core)

  • 16 SAInt-API.dll (application programming interface library of SAInt-API)

  • 16 SAInt-GUI.exe (SAInt graphical user interface executable)

  • 16 docs-encoord-setup.exe (documentation installation setup)

  • 16 eula.rtf (word document of the end-user license agreement)

2. User folder

The user folder can be found at the following path: C:\Users\User_Name\Documents\encoord\SAInt-v3, where User_Name is the name of the user for which SAInt has been installed. If the user is not the administrator of the computer, this folder may be empty. The same content can be found at C:\ProgramData\encoord\SAInt-v3, that it is by default a hidden folder. If the user folder is empty, the user can copy and paste the content from ProgramData. Pay attention to not remove the content from ProgramData.

The user folder has the following structure:

  • repository 02 SAInt-v3

    • repository 02 DataImport: templates for importing a variety of data into SAInt.

      • repository 02 FuelConsumptionCurve

      • repository 02 Network

      • repository 02 Others

      • repository 02 Profile

      • repository 02 Quality

      • repository 02 Scenario

      • repository 02 Shapefile

      • repository 02 WindTurbinePowerCurve

    • repository 02 Documents: lexicon and SAInt-API help file.

      • repository 00 FiltrableLexicon.xlsx

      • repository 00 Lexicon.xlsx

      • repository 04 SAInt-API-Help.chm

    • repository 02 Logs: used to save the extended logs when required by the user for debugging reasons.

    • repository 02 Polygons: polygon files of the default projects and of world Countries.

    • repository 02 Projects: default projects and tutorial material to showcase SAInt functionalities.

      • repository 02 BelgiumCoupledSystem: example of coupled system based on a simplified version of the Belgian networks for gas and electricity.

      • …​

      • repository 02 TNET33_25: Barry Island thermal network example.

      • repository 02 TutorialModels: material and models used in the tutorials.

    • repository 02 Settings: default SAInt settings and units of measure for the different releases installed on the computer.

    • repository 02 Visualization: cache directory for image service providers in geographic map views.

3. Default projects and models

The folder Projects in the user directory contains a set of models and projects readily available to test and explore SAInt’s functionalities. The folder also contains a copy of the models used in the tutorials. The available projects are:

  • BelgiumCoupledSystem: The project describes a simplified version of the transmission system for gas and electricity of Belgium (Europe).

  • CEM_MultiYear: Simple example to demonstrate the "Capacity Expansion Model" capabilities of SAInt over five investment years.

  • CEM_SingleYear: Simple example to demonstrate the "Capacity Expansion Model" capabilities of SAInt with a scenario for a single investment year, and demand and renewable profiles modeled using representative periods.

  • ENET04_03: Simple project for AC power flow analyses.

  • ENET09_13: The project is a simple production cost model for an electric transmission system.

  • GasLib134: This model is based, as much as possible, on the model 134v2 from the GasLib project.

  • GNET29_18: The project provides an example of a regional transmission system for natural gas. Its geographic position is fictional.

  • HUBS: The project is a simplified example of a coupled gas and electric systems.

  • IEEE9: This project represents the IEEE 9 bus test system.

  • IEEE39: This project represents the IEEE 39 bus test system.

  • RTS?GMLC: This project is a production cost model (PCM) of the medium-scale Reliability Test System-Grid Modernization (RTS-GMLC) Lab Consortium from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

  • TNET33_25: This project is a thermal network model based on the work of X. Qin et al. (2021) and of X. Liu et al. (2016).

Furthermore, the folder Tutorials under the directory Projects provides the data for the models used in the tutorials of SAInt.