Concept of Production and License Server Machines

In a floating license model, you can designate one machine in your LAN as the license server. This machine will manage and distribute the licenses to other machines (production machines) where SAInt will be operated.

  • License Server Machine: A machine in your LAN dedicated to managing and distributing SAInt licenses. This machine must have the CodeMeter Runtime Kit installed but does not necessarily need to have SAInt installed if it won’t be used for running the application.

  • Production/Client Machine: The machine(s) where SAInt will be installed and operated. These machines will request licenses from the license server machine.

Key Points:

  • The CodeMeter Runtime Kit needs to be installed on both the license server machine and the production machines.

  • The purchased licenses need to be activated on the license server machine, either by connecting a physical dongle or creating a soft container when the license ticket provided by encoord licensing team is activated.

  • Both machines must be configured to communicate and share licenses across the LAN.

The network license is configured using the CodeMeter WebAdmin interface, which is accessible from the CodeMeter Control Center or directly via the URL http://localhost:22352 in a web browser.

Floating licenses can only be configured for Hard and Soft Licenses, and not for Cloud Licenses. Essentially, Cloud Licenses are floating licenses stored in a CmCloud Container, which is hosted on a license server machine reachable through the internet (Wide Area Network, WAN).