Software Installation and Management

1. System Requirements

To effectively use SAInt, particularly for optimization models dealing with production cost and capacity expansion modeling, it’s crucial to have the appropriate hardware setup. Below, we detail both the required and recommended system specifications to ensure that you are equipped to solve complex and large-scale problems efficiently.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Processor: 4 Cores, 2 Threads per Core, clock speed of 2.0 GHz

  • Memory: 32 GB RAM

  • Storage: SSD with at least 500 GB of free space

  • Operating System: Windows 10 or higher

Recommended System Specifications

For optimal performance, especially when dealing with large and complex instances of optimization models, we recommend the following specifications:

  • Processor:

    • Number of Cores: 24 Cores (2 threads per core)

    • Clock Speed: Turbo speed of 4.8 GHz

  • Memory:

    • RAM: 256 GB or 512 GB

    • Configuration: Preferably more RAM broken into more cards for improved memory channel access (e.g., 16 x 32 GB rather than 8 x 64 GB)

  • Storage:

    • SSD with at least 1 TB of free space to accommodate large datasets and temporary files during optimization

  • Operating System:

    • Windows Server 2016 or higher for better resource management

Key Considerations

  • Number of Cores and Clock Speed:

    More cores can improve performance, especially for models requiring extensive parallel processing, such as those using branch and bound algorithms. For problems that solve faster with linear programming (LP) or mixed-integer programming (MIP) near the root node, higher clock speeds are preferable.

  • Memory (RAM):

    More RAM is beneficial for handling large and complex models, especially those needing extensive branch and bound tree exploration. Split the RAM into more memory cards to leverage more memory channels, thus enhancing performance.

  • Processing Trade-offs:

    A machine with more cores and a slightly slower clock speed may outperform a machine with fewer cores but a faster clock speed, depending on the nature of the optimization tasks Benchmarking specific models is crucial to determine the ideal configuration.

  • Parallel Execution:

    If planning to run multiple instances in parallel, ensure sufficient cores and memory to support concurrent processing without resource contention. Limit the number of threads per process if necessary to balance the computational load.

In conclusion, selecting the right hardware configuration for SAInt depends on the specific nature and complexity of the models you intend to solve. For the best results, consider conducting benchmarks with representative model instances to tailor your system configuration to your needs.

2. SAInt Download and License Management

SAInt can be downloaded using an online download link after the user creates a user profile in encoord Docs. The software installation requires administrator rights to access the Windows registry and the program files folder. SAInt is protected by a License Management System administrated in Codemeter by Wibu-Systems AG ( Codemeter needs to be downloaded on the user’s computer in order to activate the license for SAInt. Licenses are placed on a license container, which can be either in the form of a physical USB-dongle ("Dongle") or a digital container that can be activated on a physical or virtual machine chosen by the Licensee. Different modules in SAInt are licensed individually.

2.1. License Types

The core terminology of the SAInt license comprises three key terms: "Hard License," "Soft License," and "Floating License." Below are explanations for each term and a comparison highlighting their distinctions. SAInt licenses are categorized into two types: Hard and Soft. A hard license refers to a license bound to a physical dongle, which users can transfer between different machines. This license type is securely stored within a USB dongle and allows users to run SAInt as soon as they connect it to their computer.

A soft license is machine-specific, file-based, bound to a host computer, and cannot be transferred between different devices. This license is stored within the computer itself and may be lost in the event of a computer crash.

In addition to these two types, the concept of a floating license represents a distinct category. Floating licenses enable users to run SAInt without direct access to a container (whether it’s soft or hard). The mechanism behind floating licenses involves inserting the license container, whether soft or hard, into a central computer, often a server. Other computers on the network recognize this central computer as the license server and send their license requests to it. If the requested license is available and hasn’t already been assigned to another user, the server approves the request, allowing SAInt to be run.

3. Security

SAInt is an on-premise desktop application based on the Windows Operating System. It can be installed on a physical or virtual machine living within the confines of the user’s local area network (LAN). The installation of SAInt is performed by executing a digitally signed setup file that is transferred to the client via download from our software download webpage. In general, SAInt does not require communication with the Internet during operation. The only exception is the communication with the time servers (, of our third-party software protection and license management system (SPLMS) Codemeter by Wibu-Systems AG ( for updating the certified time of the license containers. Anytime an instance of SAInt is launched, the SPLMS attempts to request a certified time from the time servers via the internet. If this request is successful, the certified time of the license container will be updated. If there is no response from the time servers, SAInt can still be operated unless the certified time of the license container has not been updated for more than 30 days.

Any other communication with the internet is done only with prior approval by the user, e.g., download of Weather Resource Data for wind or solar power generation profiles or form submission of unhandled software exceptions to encoord support. Model input and output data processed in SAInt are never transferred through the internet and are only saved in a location specified by the user.