SAInt Overview

Welcome to encoord’s flagship product, the Scenario Analysis Interface for Energy Networks (SAInt). As the most advanced and flexible integrated energy modeling and planning software platform available today, SAInt is designed to revolutionize the way utilities, network operators, technology developers, and regulatory agencies navigate the complexities of the energy transition.

At encoord, our mission is to provide innovative software tools, data, and advisory services that empower stakeholders to make informed decisions finding the best trade-off between affordability, reliability, and sustainability. Our core technology, SAInt, embodies this mission by enabling comprehensive analysis and management of diverse energy networks including electricity, gas, heating, and cooling, all within a single integrated environment.

SAInt offers unparalleled capabilities for energy network planners and decision-makers, facilitating the best trade-offs between competing metrics. With its multi-domain approach, SAInt covers all aspects of energy systems, from Generation/Production to Consumption, and across different energy vectors such as Natural Gas, Hydrogen, Electricity, Heating, and Cooling. Spatially, SAInt’s reach extends from continents down to local communities, and temporally, it supports planning from long-term investment horizons to real-time operations.

Leveraging the power of modern object-oriented programming languages like C# and VB.NET, and enhanced by IronPython scripting, SAInt boasts a unified user interface that minimizes time-consuming and error-prone iterative processes. As a result, users can efficiently simulate, model, and analyze interconnected energy networks, enhancing everything from system expansion and market operations to physical simulations.

With SAInt, you gain access to a state-of-the-art platform that aids in the coordination of planning domains, helping you streamline operations and strategic initiatives in a changing energy landscape. Whether it’s integrating electric and gas or thermal infrastructure planning, or assessing new projects through capacity expansion and production cost models, SAInt is engineered to transform your energy planning workflow and drive the future of energy.

Join us on this journey and experience the full potential of optimizing your energy networks with SAInt.